Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Let yourself go

There’s a fear; sometimes we fear so much that we can no longer be strong enough to hide.

And sometimes, that fear is even stronger, and we’re too weak to show it.

Plaster holds nothing as faces crumble through time. Watching over our backs gives us a sense of safety. The path behind us is known. Wandering blindly, facing the past, is easier than turning around and looking where you are.

Hi, my name is Sam. Can I have your number?

Where is this place? Am I seeing double? Acres of twisting dreams

Where did the squares go? Multiplied? Devoured. Endlessly reeling. Endlessly reeling. Happenstance. All hearsay. Welcome to oblivion Son, would you like to check your coat?

The girl. The girl. The girl.

Who said life was the beginning of all sorrow?

Words. Can. Hurt. Sometimes. They. Can. Kill. Even. More. Rarely. They. Can. Be. Remembered.

Who said, who said who said whos aid whosa id whosaid whosaid?

Wavering at the edge of sleep. Dream states become lucid doorways, entering our soul to pierce us. What gauge is the death of a loved one? Is there a plug made for that soul-dermal punch?

Acres of twisting dreams. Acres of twisting nothingness.

Oh Muse! Help the man out! He just wants his heart back.

Where did you hide it this time? These secrets that you keep, where do you put all of them? The Fates never spun a thread long enough to knit the bag that could hold all of those secrets.

Welcome the night. Welcome the moon. Welcome. Welcome.



Why are you here? We did not ask for you. Your opinion is worth nothing. Only your opinion matters.

Acres of twisting time. Of lives. Of loves.

Where is hate in all of this?

The mirror. The mirror. The mirror. The mirror. The mirror.

Reflection. Echoes of Narcissus. A Sisyphean task, this rock of humanity. We each strive, yet this imperfection, this mirror, slips from our grip, and here we are.

Ground floor.

Going down?
Maybe we'll grab a drink sometime

Maybe we'll dance the night away


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are beautifull aura

9:59 PM  

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